Homestyle Cookies are packed in pouches made of foil-based 3-layer laminate to maintain freshness of the cookies for over six months.
We have a wide range of packaging to cater to all needs. The prices are pocket-friendly.

For institutional needs, we offer:
25g 2-cookie Pouch
Specially designed for travel catering like Airlines, Railways etc. All variants available.
125g/100g Economy Pouch
For hotels, coffee shops and banquets :
Variants in 125g Pouch — Shortbread, Ginger Snap, Chockies, Californian,
Coffee Snap, Sesame Crisp, Brandy Snap.
Other variants in 100g Pouch.
For retail and gifts, corporate and festival, we have these attractive packs:
100g Pack
Presently available variants — Choc Nut, Choc Chip, Fruit ’n’ Nut, Coffee Nut, Almond Crunch,
Pista Crunch.
200g Can
Presently available variants — Shortbread, Ginger Snap, Chockies, Californian,
Coffee Snap, Sesame Crisp.
200g Crunchy Delights Pack
Offering a selection of eight variants of cookies, each in
25g 2-cookie Pouch —
the selection changing from time to time.
250g Double Delight Pack
Offering two variants of cookies, each in 125g Pouch. Presently available combinations — Shortbread & Ginger Snap, Chockies & Californian.
Buy one —
Try one —
Get hooked on Homestyle Cookies.
A great treat for all occasions.